You Can Pray To Invite This Special Bodyguard Angel & Instruct BodyGuard To Protect Yourself, Follow Your Targets e.g. your children, spouse, lovers.
Note - Strictly for high grade tier amulet users only! Normal users can use essential amulets for everyday.

TESTED & PROVEN RESULTS WORLDWIDE !! "He is so good" & "I pray and wish all granted"- From Our Members*
99.9% Of Our Members Who Worshipped This Amulet Experienced - Quick Enhancements & Wishes Fulfilment & Granting!
Note - Our members can combine several bodyguard amulets for best magic effects and maximum protection.
Brief Guidance & Info - How To Use This Bodyguard Amulet ?
4 Special Usages & Lot Of Many Usages Depending On Your Wishes...
The owner of this Bodyguard amulet will be provided with the special mantra to chant and seek help from the bodyguard for the following usages -
1) Instruct The Bodyguard To Follow & Chase For Your Uncollected Bad Debts From Those Targets That MIA or Gave Ton Of Excuses For Not Returning Your Money Or Other Assets (Debts/Assets Recovery)
2) Secure Your Area Or Assets from physical thefts & damages when you are away or spiritual attacks from black magic or evil spirits (Protection)
3) Prevent Nasty People Or Backstabbers from harming you in your workplace or industry (Backstabbers)
4) For Lost Love and Broken Relationships, The Owner can pray to the BodyGuard to make the targets always miss you and think of you daily (Love Life)

Tested & Proven Feedbacks & Results Worldwide From This Amulet: Be The Next Happy Member

and many more...

Engraved With Holy Symbols
Basic Information:
Size: 4.5 x 2.5 cm
Can Wear Below Waist (In Bag/Pocket) Or Above Waist Level Or Placement At Home/Shop/Office/Car
100% Holy To Protect Owner.
- Superb Protection For The Owner (Invulnerability) from Evil Energies, Black Magic & Enemies ; Evade From Dangers; Look after your assets e.g. family, house, car, kids etc
- Boosting Your Charisma, Charm & Attraction Greatly
- Fast Wish Fulfilment Magic Spell - Pray Your Wishes And Be Helped By Your Guardian Angel "Golden Knight Bodyguard"
- Improves Your Businesses/Sales and Career Progression Luck
- Enhance Your Authority/Influencing Power for Managerial positions
- Attract important people of higher power to your life to assist you in Life (Benefactor Luck)
- Prevent & Overcome Backstabbers & Evil People from harming you
and many more effects...
There are Many Holy Materials Inside the body of this BodyGuard magic amulet :
- Mixture Of Many Powerful Flowers & Herbs Inside the amulet
- Rare Elephant Rope, Elephant Placenta, & Magic Cloth Of Elephant Pillar
- Special Holy Powders and Holy Cloth of Archan Loi - Guru Master Of BodyGuard Amulets
- Holy Powders of Archan Pi (Current Generation - Direct Lineage Of Archan Loi)
Legend For Magic Spell Of Ancient Bodyguard & Guru Master:

Acharn Loi PoNgern (Ayuthaya) was born in B.E.2454 and was a master famous for his vicha (magical knowledge) when he was alive. One of the reasons for his fame was due to the fact that he had acquired his magical knowledge from many popular Masters during that time. LuangPhu Pen of Wat SaoThongMai (Ayuthaya), who was also the teacher of LuangPhu Suang Wat ChiPakao (Singh Buri) was one of Archarn Loi's masters who had taught him the vicha. With the magical knowledge Acharn Loi acquired from the great masters, he created amulets such as Kumanthong, NangQuak, Balakit and Hoon PaYon. Of all his creation, his Hoon PaYon is the most popular amulet. In fact, we can even say that it is the most popular Hoon PaYon amulets even till today in Thailand. This is because Archan Loi is the only Acharn who had acquired the right knowledge and skills to create Hoon PaYon in the ancient way.
It is not an easy task to create Hoon PaYon and only a few Archans or monks have been known to have such ability in creating one so far. The master must know how to invite Hoon PaYon with the right Vicha (Magical Knowledge) from the 4 elements NaMaPaTa (Soil,Water,Wind and Fire) into the figure. There is a common wrong belief that Hoon Payon is a ghost spirit which had been invited into the figurine. Instead it is actually a Guardian which is supposed to watch and protect his owner against any danger. That is why the main reason for creating Hoon Payon during that time was more to protect the soldiers who were out for war as a protection.
As mentioned, not all monks or archans know how to create Hoon Payon. Besides having the knowledge, it requires a long and strict process to create Hoon Payon. For instance, Acharn Loi can only create a few Hoon PaYons each time personally without any help or assistance. With his hands on the back of his body, he would need to tie the straws and various materials into a Hoon Payon without looking. Once completed, Acharn Loi will write Yants on a triangle cloth which looked like a Thong (Flag) where he would then lay all the Hoon PaYons on the ground and wave the Hoon PaYons with the flag. Miraculously, the Hoon Payons would stand on its own only those that stood up would be allowed for the followers to be brought back for as an amulet for protection. Today, his Hoon Payon is rarely seen and would not to mention, finding a genuine one. The great master of Hoon Payon, Acharn Loi PoNgern (Ayuthaya), passed away in B.E.2528.